
We are thrilled to announce that season two of the Spreading Happiness Podcast with John and Mark has just kicked off, and it’s bigger, better, and happier than ever! Get ready for another round of laughs, heartwarming stories, and all the joy you’ve come to expect from John and Mark.
  • 4 min read
John and Mark X. Cronin appeared on the Mark White Show, the fastest growing radio show in the South. 
  • 3 min read
John and Mark X. Cronin built John’s Crazy Socks as a social enterprise with a mission to spread happiness.  They recently appeared on the Scaling Mountains Podcast with Kyle Sullivan to discuss the power of a purpose driven business. 
John and Mark X. Cronin, the father-son team that founded John’s Crazy Socks, appeared on the Celebrations Chatter podcast with Jim McCann, the founder of 1-800 Flowers.
  • 3 min read
John and Mark X. Cronin, the father and son co-founders of John’s Crazy Socks, have released The Spreading Happiness Podcast with John and Mark, a weekly, 30-minute podcast designed to bring a smile to your face and make you feel good.
  • 3 min read
