
Congressman Nick LaLota (NY-1) visited John’s Crazy Socks yesterday. He met with the staff and the father and son co-founders, John and Mark X. Cronin. John and Mark bootstrapped their start up into the world’s largest sock store. 
  • 3 min read
We have welcomed over 2,000 visitors to tour our operations at John’s Crazy Socks. We want people to see our colleagues at work, we want them to see the business that John, an entrepreneur with Down syndrome, has created. We want them to see what is possible for a business with a purpose. 
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John Cronin and his father and co-founder, Mark X. Cronin, gave a virtual tour and presentation to the Beacons organization in Carlsbad, California. The father-son team met with students from the Entrepreneurial Class in the Pathfinder Program. 
John’s Crazy Socks hosted Ashley Bunici, a student at the College of the Holy Cross, as part of the school’s Summer 2023 Alumni Job Shadow Program. The visit gave Ashley the opportunity to learn more about John’s Crazy Socks and the benefits of hiring people with differing abilities. 
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One way we carry out that mission is by hosting tours from schools and social service agencies. We want the students and clients to take inspiration from John’s success and we want them to see that there are jobs they can hold. We have had over 2,000 visitors tour our operations. 
At John’s Crazy Socks, we strive every day to show what people with differing abilities can do. As part of that effort, we host tours – both in-person and virtually – and workgroups from schools and social service agencies. We want students and clients with differing abilities to see for themselves work they can do and work available to them. 
Rick Smith, the founder and Executive Director of Hope Story, is a man of great exuberance and love, so when he came to visit John’s Crazy Socks, he did not come by himself, he brought his whole family.
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Suffolk County Legislator Manuel Esteban visited John’s Crazy Socks to learn more about our business and what he and the Suffolk County Legislature can do to support small businesses and to promote the employment of people with differing abilities. 
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John’s Crazy Socks has introduced Online Meetings with John: Hear the Story of John’s Crazy Socks. These 45-minute sessions open John’s Crazy Socks to the world and invite people to meet John and hear the story of how a young entrepreneur who happens to have Down syndrome could create an internationally recognized business to spread happiness.
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