John Cronin Receives the 2022 Henry Viscardi Achievement Award

Dr. Chris Rosa, President and CEO of the world famous Viscardi Center, presented John Cronin, co-founder of John’s Crazy Socks, with the Henry Viscardi Achievement Award. In presenting the award, Dr, Rosa said, “In receiving this award, John enters the pantheon of great Viscardi leaders who are recognized for the way they are changing our culture to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.” 

John receives the Viscardi Award

“Thank you very much for this honor,” said John. “Every day, we work to show what people with differing abilities can do and we share that mission with the Viscardi Center.” 

John Cronin, a young man with Down syndrome, is the co-founder along with his father Mark X. Cronin of John’s Crazy Socks, the world’s largest sock store. John’s Crazy Socks is a social enterprise with a mission to spread happiness. More than half our employees have a differing ability and our Giving Back program, which starts with a pledge of donating 5 percent of our earnings to the Special Olympics, has now raise nearly $600,000 for our charity partners like the Special Olympics, the National Down Syndrome Society and the Autism Society of America. 

Viscardi Achievement Award

About the Henry Viscardi Achievement Awards   

The Henry Viscardi Achievement Awards were established to honor the legacy and vision of The Viscardi Center’s founder, Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr., a leading disability rights advocate who himself wore prosthetic legs. These international Awards, first bestowed in 2013, recognize innovative leaders like yourself who have had a profound impact on shaping attitudes, raising awareness, and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. 

Each year, the Awards recognize advocates, role models, and visionaries in the global disability community who, like Dr. Viscardi, are changing societal views, drastically improving opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for persons with disabilities. Recipients have come from a variety of distinguished backgrounds, such as entertainment, sports, technology, and non-profit. The winners of this award have come from around the world including Ireland, Israel, India, Peru, South Africa and Pakistan. 

Sherwood (Woody) D. Goldberg, Esq., Chair of the Awards Selection Committee said, “The Viscardi Center epitomizes the very best of America’s culture and values by reaching out through its Henry Viscardi Achievement Awards to bring like-minded people together in a common cause as our diplomats do each and every day here and abroad.” 

Here is the list of this year’s winners: 

  • Shaheena Ali, Disabled Welfare Association, Pakistan
  • Dr. Alex H. Cohen, Accessible Pharmacy Services for the Blind, U.S.
  • John Cronin, John’s Crazy Socks, U.S.
  • Susan Henderson, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, U.S.
  • Emily Ladau, Author/Disability Rights Activist, U.S.
  • Nkosinathi Freddy Ndlovu, Presidential Working Group on Disability, South Africa 

“Receiving this award is so awesome,” said John Cronin. “I share this with my colleagues and all our customers and supporters who make possible everything we do.” 

Mark and John with the Henry Viscardi Achievement Award

About John’s Crazy Socks 

John’s Crazy Socks was inspired by John Lee Cronin, a young man with Down syndrome, and his love of colorful and fun socks—what he calls his “crazy socks.” He and his father, Mark X. Cronin, started the company as a social enterprise with a mission of Spreading Happiness™. With more than 4,000 socks, John’s Crazy Socks is now the world’s largest sock store. More than half their employees have a differing ability, and their Giving Back program has raised over $550,000 for charity partners like the Special Olympics, the National Down Syndrome Society, and the Autism Society of America. Most of all, they are Spreading Happiness™. 

For more information about John’s Crazy Socks, visit our webpage, Facebook page, Instagram account or YouTube channel. You can also contact us at 631-760-5625 or via email at


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