John Cronin - August 2023
Empowering Week: Arts, Business Tours, and Family Connections

John here. We had another good week with plenty of work and fun too. I saw the Barbie movie and loved it. We started the week by joining the Summer Arts Festival organized by the Spirit of Huntington Arts Center, a program for artists with differing abilities. During the week, I gave some tours of our business. I love it when we have visitors and it makes me feel good when students get to see what we do.
My Dad and I appeared on some podcasts and we gave two speeches. We spoke to the Entrepreneurs Program at the Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council (RIDDC) and then we spoke to the HR Committee at the Hauppauge Industrial Association. I love sharing what we do with people. We make them laugh and cry and then cheer as we show what people with differing abilities can do.
This weekend, I am going to Boston. My Mom is going to a baby shower for my cousin Miranda and I am going to hang with my cousins Tommy, Eric and Max. I always have fun with my cousins.
I hope you love the socks and I hope you have a good week.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Johns road trip - Badlands and Yellowstone

Johns Excellent Sock Journey