John Cronin - October 2023
Down Syndrome Awareness Month

John here. It is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I have Down syndrome and during this month, we celebrate people with Down syndrome. We show the world what people with Down syndrome can do. Did you know that I made the world’s firstDown Syndrome Awareness Socks? Now, we have awhole collection of Down syndrome-themed socks and they raise money for theNational Down Syndrome Society andACDS. You can celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month by wearing Down syndrome socks.
And this weekend, we are hosting ourSecond Annual Another Face of Beauty: A Fashion and Art Show. All the models, performers and artists will have a differing ability. It’s going to be great. My Dad and I are going to be the MCs. There will be music and dancing and lots of fun. Another Face of Beauty lets us show how beautiful and wonderful people with differing abilities are. It takes place at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 7 in Hecksher Park in Huntington, New York during the Long Island Fall Festival. Come a join us or you can watch the live stream on Facebook.
October is a great month and it ends with Halloween. Do you have yourHalloween socks?

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Johns road trip - Badlands and Yellowstone

Johns Excellent Sock Journey