John Cronin, co-founder of John’s Crazy Socks, started the day by delivering custom socks to digho, a design and image marketing company in Huntington, New York.
We love to make custom socks and there is nothing better than to see the smile on a customer’s face when they see their custom socks for the first time. Yesterday, John Cronin, co-founder of John’s Crazy Socks, delivered two sets of custom socks that we made for Jeff Brett and the team at King Quality, the region’s largest home remodeling company. The smile on Jeff’s face made John’s day.
John has been fortunate with a lot of media coverage and social media exposure. As a result, people recognize John and his great big smile. And John loves it. John is so grateful for our customers because they make everything possible.
John Cronin, co-founder and Chief Happiness Officer at John’s Crazy Socks, arrived at the offices of Coastline Wealth Management and immediately began handing out socks. People began to “ooh” and “ahh” and break out into smiles as John went from office to office handing out the custom socks that John’s Crazy Socks made for Coastline.