
Hiring people with a disability is not altruism, it is good business. And those businesses that hire people with disabilities find themselves at a competitive advantage and that advantage will only grow as the labor shortage worsens.
  • 8 min read
Liza Laurino-Siegal, a doctoral student at St. John’s University has published her dissertation which examined employers working with people with disabilities. She focused her research on two Long Island based companies: John’s Crazy Socks and Spectrum Design. The study documents the benefits of employing people with differing abilities. 
  • 2 min read
New York State Assemblyman Jarett Gandolfo visited John’s Crazy Socks on Friday. The Assemblyman made the visit so he could understand more about what New York State can do to promote employment of people with differing abilities and to support small businesses like John’s Crazy Socks.
  • 3 min read
