Andrew O. has been a friend of John Cronin’s after they first met during a summer program. Shortly after John’s Crazy Socks was born, Andrew became one of the first employees. He began his work by assembling sock-of-the-month packages and tagging socks. He now picks orders and is our longest-working sock wrangler.
As a Special Olympics athlete, Andrew participates in basketball, snowshoe, and track + field. Special Olympics competitions have taken him throughout New York State to cities such as Syracuse, Rochester, and Ithaca. In the 100- and 200-meter dash, Andrew leaves everyone in the dust and never gives up the lead. And although he loves to compete, he doesn’t like to practice.

Andrew always comes to work at John’s Crazy Socks wearing a pair of colorful sneakers with coordinating socks. A talented artist, Andrew likes to draw cars. We even used one of his car designs to make a Father’s Day card and matching socks.
In his free time, Andrew likes to go out for pizza, go to the beach, or to play mini golf and go bowling with his friends. Andrew has also spent a lot of time with John and his family. In addition to camping together, they have enjoyed visiting Hershey Park and riding the Storm Runner roller coaster.
Andrew has an infectious smile and is always quick to laugh when a colleague makes a joke. Every day, Andrew shows what's possible when you give a person with a differing ability a chance.