Happy Anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act

John here. Today is the anniversary of the signing of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). My Sock Buddy, President George H. W. Bush, signed the ADA on July 26, 1990 and that changed the world for millions of people. It recognized the rights for people like me to live just like everyone else. Without the ADA, there would be no John's Crazy Socks.

Sometimes it seems that all our government leaders can do is fight, but everyone worked together to create the ADA. I wrote to President Bush to thank him for signing the ADA. I spoke to advocate leader Judy Heumann, met Senator Tom Harkin and Congressman Tony Coelho to thank them. I am so grateful for the advocates and leaders who made the ADA.

They inspired me. Every day, I show what people with differing abilities can do. We still need to do more. We need more jobs. We need places to live. At John’s Crazy Socks, we are working to make a difference.
