Celebrating Disability Pride Month: A Journey of Empowerment and Inclusion

July is Disability Pride Month and that’s a big deal here at John’s Crazy Socks. We’re on a mission to show what people with differing abilities can do. It’s important to take pride in the achievements of people with disabilities. 

What Is Disability Pride Month? 

We should celebrate people with differing abilities every month, but July is set aside as a reminder to take time to recognize people with disabilities. It's a time when people with differing abilities, their friends, families, and supporters come together to celebrate diversity, challenge stereotypes, and show the world what they can do. 

The Origins of Disability Pride Month 

Disability Pride Month began as a celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so we need to trace the origins of that legislation. 

The ADA grew out of a grassroots effort lead by advocates like the fabled Judy Heumann. In January 1990, more than 1,000 self-advocates protested at the U.S. Capital, climbing the steps, many crawling, to demonstrate the barriers people with disabilities faced. 

Inside the Capitol, Congressional leaders led by Senator Tom Harkin as well as Senator Ted Kennedy and Congressman Tony Coelho, pushed assembled a bipartisan coalition of support for a sweeping legislative act. 

On July 26, 1990, President Geroge H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). That changed the world for millions of people and their families. The ADA made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in areas like jobs, schools, transportation, and public spaces. John was able to receive a first-rate education only because of the ADA. Put simply, if the ADA was not present, there would be no John’s Crazy Socks. 

To mark the ADA's first anniversary in 1991, Boston held what's believed to be the first Disability Pride Day. Since then, the idea has grown, and now we celebrate for a whole month!


What Does Disability Pride Mean? 

Disability Pride is about: 

- Embracing who we are, differences and all

- Challenging negative stereotypes

- Promoting visibility and inclusion

- Celebrating our achievements and contributions to society

It's about saying, "Hey world, we're here, we're proud, and we have so much to offer!"

Disability Pride Month reminds us all that diversity makes our world richer and more interesting. Our business is stronger and more sustainable because of our diversity. It's a chance to educate others, break down barriers, and create a more inclusive society. 

About John’s Crazy Socks 

John’s Crazy Socks was inspired by John Lee Cronin, a young man with Down syndrome, and his love of colorful and fun socks—what he calls his “crazy socks.” He and his father, Mark X. Cronin, started the company as a social enterprise with a mission of Spreading Happiness™. With more than 4,000 socks, John’s Crazy Socks is now the world’s largest sock store. More than half their employees have a differing ability, and their Giving Back program has raised over $750,000 for charity partners like the Special Olympics, the National Down Syndrome Society, and the Autism Society of America. Most of all, we are Spreading Happiness™.

For more information about John’s Crazy Socks, visit our webpage, Facebook page, Instagram account, TikTok or YouTube channel. You can also contact us at 631-760-5625 or via email at service@johnscrazysocks.com.
