John Cronin - July 2023
Disability Employment: Advocating for wage equality for people with disabilities

John here.
I am down in Washington DC meeting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill. We are here as part of the CEO Commission for Disability Employment standing up for the rights of people with differing abilities. We want to make sure that all people have access to work and are paid a fair amount.
Did you know that more than 140,000 Americans are paid less than minimum wage, some as little as $0.25 per hour, simply because they have a disability? We want to change that law so everyone can receive the minimum wage. You can learn more in this article my Dad wrote.
At John’s Crazy Socks, more than half of my colleagues have a differing ability and they do great work. Everyone gets paid fairly and they deserve that money. And we have you to thank. By supporting John’s Crazy Socks, you help us employ people with differing abilities.
And I want to send you a reminder that there is still time to enter our Sock Design Contest. Send us your drawings of your dream sock. You could win $1,000 and become sock famous. Read more here Sock Design Contest
I hope you have a wonderful week and weekend. Please stay cool because it is so hot everywhere.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Johns road trip - Badlands and Yellowstone

Johns Excellent Sock Journey