John Sends World Down Syndrome Day Socks to the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus

John Sends World Down Syndrome Day Socks to the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus

John’s Crazy Socks made the official World Down Syndrome Day Socks and John sent a pair to every member of the Congressional Caucus or Down Syndrome so they could wear them on World Down Syndrome Day (March 21).

John with Packages for the Congressional Caucus on Down Syndrome

These Senators and Representatives joined the Down Syndrome Caucus to show their support for people with Down syndrome. They stay abreast of legislative issues affecting people with Down syndrome.

“I sent them socks to say thank you for their support,” said John.

John and his father, Mark X. Cronin, will travel to Capitol Hill on World Down Syndrome Day to meet with legislators to press for changes to benefit people with Down syndrome and all people with differing abilities. The issues they will discuss include raising the SSI Asset Levels, eliminating the subminimum wage and increasing support for entrepreneurs with differing abilities.

John and Mark will join other self-advocates and their supporters from the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS). They will meet with staff from the Senate Small Business Committee as representatives of the CEO Commission for Disability Employment.
