John Cronin - June 2023
Ignite Your 4th of July a Sock Design Challenge!

John Here...
JJohn here. I am back home after my travels to Oregon and Washington. We spoke at two events and met a lot of great people at Gigi’s Playhouse in Portland, the ALSO Group and Life Works in Longview, Washington.
I finished up a fun week. We kicked off our Sock Design Contest. I hope you enter and send us your dream designs.
I met with Assemblyman Steve Stern to talk about legislation helping people with differing abilities. I made a bunch of home deliveries. I did a few podcasts interviews with my Dad and those were fun. You can listen to these interviews at our website.
Now, I am getting ready for the Fourth of July. We’ll have a cookout and watch fireworks and go for some hikes. I like being under cool trees more than going to the beach.
My Dad will read the Declaration of Independence to me like he does every Fourth of July.
I love it when my Dad reads to me. I hope you have a fun Fourth of July and a great summer. John

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Johns road trip - Badlands and Yellowstone

Johns Excellent Sock Journey